mercoledì 5 settembre 2007

Back: In Addis, on the Blog!

Hi everybody, after such a long time!!!
In Ethiopia the exact word to define someone who disappearead for quite some time would be: Tefah!! But now, I'm back, with some new updates, new pictures and lot to tell about.
First of all, I changed house. The owner of that beautiful place said that they wanted to run a business (restaurant for the millennium) so we have been kindly asked to pack and go... not too bad, though, the situation was kind a burning, the landlady was becoming too annoying. In any case the last night i could not avoid to make some little, annoying spite... like blocking the shower, fire and cut the plants, flushing mangos, papayas and avocados in the toilet.. I'm sure the landlord will have hard times.
We found a nice house downtown, same style: two bedroom a big living room and just one bathroom. But it's ok, we will be just Valentina (Just back from Italy...) and myslef. It's very close to the major supermarkets, gym, clubs etc... and the price is the same as before. So no financial losses, you all know how sensitive i am to this matter....

Work is doing great, we are always more involved in this Icome generating Assesment secrectly im setting up the basis for an extention of my contract.. but shhhhhhhh I don't wanna say anything until i sign a paper. Abraham and Belen are doing also great, new gossip, as u can inferr from the pictures.....

We formed a footsala team, but we were not that lucky... 2 defeats in three matches, but at least we won the last one against the swedish embassy 15 - 4, and I scored 7 goals, some of them even registred.. (see the attached video and picture...) our name was Pitura freska, don't ask me why, I did not choose it! But at least we had great fun, and we have the FAKE Ethiopian jersey as a memory of this funny adveture.
Finally, we adopted a puppy. Her name is SCIMU, and all of you cane asily understand why... she is extremely cute and quiet, she does not bark and she is very playful. She lived with us for a couple of days but now Bilu is taking care of her. She is our little daughter, infact she half italian half habesha, look at her stains on the fur!

I'll try to write more often now, i have some free time and internet is faster... yahooooo!!!!! A big hug to everybody guys, from Addis! PS: check this golassso out :)


Awash national Park

Foto Sululta

Cronostory vacanze - Ethiopia coming soon...

Pictures from Bahir Dar

Pictures from Sodere